100周年記念誌「時代を超えて-Always Reaching Higher-」

30Alicia Hui RongMa LingJochen FreudenthalerFredson Fernandes de SousaRic AndrewArinduqueAbel Tan Zi HaoNiwat WeeragulBe a truly global company that embraces a global mindset and management practices but acts locally.The dream companyMatthijs SpaakYOKOGAWA創立100周年、より良い明日へ!Congratulations on 100 years of success.I wish Yokogawa a bright future.世界のYOKOGAWAからMeidan JinHarsha A P宮本 大士川島 賢之野村 陽一Azman BaharudinLim Khiaw Wah名取 雄二

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